Search Results magazine
Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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Style: What I Would Wear…

Every now and then (ahem: daily), I allow myself to indulge in a bit of fantasy online shopping. It rarely results in an actual purchase given the pathetic status of my bank account, but it does fulfill a somewhat creative, extremely shallow need: The fantasies are all about meeee! Most involve a full-fledged production (highlighted script and secondary characters optional) including location, set design, and a complicated lighting scheme–no direct overhead lighting in my daydreams!...

Hmm…What do you think of this idea?

I’ve been obsessed with fashion magazines since I was 10, now online mags have taken over my already depleted sense of reason. Initially, I thought about condensing the posts on this blog into a monthly “digital digest,” but now I’m thinking I’d like to spread the love a bit and include other bloggers. Everything can’t always be just about me (I know— I’m just as shocked as you are). Since there are soooo many lovely/thoughtful/stylish...