Time for another round of "Ask T"! This is not so much a styling question as it is a stylist question:
Hi Tamia,
I really like your work in A-Line magazine! I've always wondered how you get the clothes for photo shoots. Do you have to buy a bunch of stuff? If so, who pays for it and where do you keep it?
Hi K,
I'm freelance, so I usually pitch an idea or concept for a shoot,
December 18, 2011
Magazine, Work
5th and Vine, 1907
I recently wrote an article about Cincinnati's shopping history for the December issue of A-Line magazine. Real talk: writing is NOT my favorite pastime. But research? I've been doing research projects since encyclopedias and card catalogs were the only way to find information and I LOVE research. LOVE IT. If it were up to me, I'd forego all that "writing" jazz and and just list a bunch of facts I find interesting.
We've already started setting up for Final Friday PopShop! This time, we're at 1435 Main Street (next to ForkHeartKnife) today from 5-10 and tomorrow from 11-4. Come and see what kind of fun you can have with balloons and string