Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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I Dream of DIY

Every few months I do this weird thing where I decide on a certain "look" for the season: Disco Housewife, Downtown Powerbitch, Rocker Pageant Princess, etc. It rarely pans out ('cause really, who can afford a new wardrobe every few months?), but it's fun to play around with these little capsule collections in my head.This time around, I'm still loving the '70s secretary look, and I feel like even if

Tangled up

Victoria's Secret sweater; thrifted skirt and purse; gifted Casualmere scarf, Gucci sunglassesNot to keep harping on the weather, but please let the record show that I'm wearing a wool skirt and sweater. In May. The last time I wore this skirt, it was practically a winter wonderland. Who do I need to contact to make sure this weather switch doesn't happen again?

Feelin’ drusy

My friend Catherine, one half of the team behind the delicately quirky accessories line Hark + Hark, was nice enough to gift me a necklace from their current collection at last weekend's PopShop. I hemmed and hawed before finally choosing this lovely purplish drusy pendant, and have been wearing it nonstop ever since. You can't buy the exact same necklace I have (it's, like, unique and special and stuff JUST LIKE ME),

Tumblr Tuesday: Shredded bell bottoms and shaggy throws

If shredded silk tie-dye bell bottoms are wrong, I don't wanna be right; This psychedelic art room is simultaneously my worst nightmare and my favorite dream; I'd love to drool myself to sleep on the shaggy throw in this lovely room; I love this type treatment that turns pouring paint into beautiful calligraphy; Every now and then, my heart is unexpectedly filled with genuine love for the 'Nati; love the sensually decadent feel of this