Where strategy meets style
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Party Tips(y)

Last night, I went to a party and proceeded to drink approximately 1/5 of a vodka tonic before getting legitimately tipsy. The Official Excuse is that I hadn't had dinner yet, but it really just boils down to the fact that I'm a lightweight. We headed through Fountain Square on the way to find food to absorb the alcohol so I could walk home without wandering into the

Can’t get away

No matter how I try, I just can't seem to get away from grays and neutrals. I want to--I do!--but TEH GRAYZ are such a prevalent part of my wardrobe it's hard to resist. I swear, one day I'm gonna bust out in red and pink and shock the heck out of everyone--including myself.H&M skirt and sweater; vintage blouse, necklace, and shoes; AA socks; Marc Jacobs bagOh, and to go along with the '70s secretary

Tumblr Tuesday: Pants like the ocean and Fijan beaches

I want pants that flow like the ocean; This ring is begging for a Cleopatra getup and a corny asp joke; Love the crazy nighttime feel of this Michelle Armas painting; Fijan beach at night = I want to go to there; I miss dyeing Easter eggs with my mom; These trainers make me miss the days of LA Gear and British Knights.Find more inspiration at stylesample.tumblr.com!

Def Leopard

Thrifted blouse, necklace, and boots; Grey Ant jeans; Stetson hatSomething about the combination of leopard print, '70s-style denim (which I swear I ironed, though it apparently made NO difference), and a crisp Panama hat feels a little Zsa Zsa, a little Jimi, a little Michael, and verrrry rock 'n roll. All I need now is for someone to pour some sugar on me!

This is why I like shoes with ankle straps

So, this is probably going to sound silly, but I think my ankles are too skinny to pull off the socks-with-heels thing. Seriously, look!I thought I'd grown out of this particular paranoia (like maybe I gained some "ankle weight" or something), but these pictures brought it alllll back. Sigh. THIS is why I prefer shoes with ankle straps!Y'all know I think red shoes go with everything, so I did like the colors and the gold