Where strategy meets style
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Not Quite A Schoolgirl

It's been a "few" years since I could credibly claim even attending any sort of school, let alone wearing a uniform. As much as I've always loved clothes, I would've killed for a Gossip Girl-style uniform back in junior high and high school--and sometimes I still like to pretend.Colin Stuart blazer; thrifted blouse, skirt, and bootsAlso, there's a Jenni Kayne pop-up shop at The Wardrobe starting today, with a portion

Halloween Costume Help!

So, the Best Holiday Ever is coming this weekend, and I still have no idea what or who I want to be. I swear I had plenty of ideas back in June--what happened to them?For inspiration, I looked at some of my costumes from years past:I MIGHT take this whole costume thing too seriously sometimes

Tumblr Tuesday: Cookie Art and The Casa Sutra

I've started randomly striking this pose in various public spaces; A cameo made from an Oreo cookie is the perfect marriage of art and, well, cookies; Yet another dude I want to dress like, bag and all; Chairs with no shame unabashedly assume casa sutra positions in public; A dressing area with a working tub and gothic chandelier is a dressing area I want to be in; These are the perfect recycled jack o' lanterns,


On Saturday evening, Ashlee, Marsha and I hit the road and headed to Indianapolis for the Midwest Fashion Week finale. Outfit pics! I have no idea why I look so surprised. I took a picture of Ashlee taking pictures of Marsha. How meta is that?Photographers in the pitDesigns by Marlene Thomas, Melissa Tabor, and Cincinnati's own Amy KirchenOf course, being fashion bloggers, we took outfit pictures, enjoyed cocktails and wine, and stuffed ourselves with Mickey

Cincinnati Style Bloggers

Last night, I met up with several local style bloggers at 4th Street Boutique to discuss planning some sort of fun shindig, before heading to Saks to get beautified.Ashlee of a.mello style, Victoria of paperdoll, Kasmira of What I Wore Today, and Erin of Bobby Pin BrownMarsha of Style Edit, Betsy and Becki of Folk and FeatherMe and Courtnee might have enjoyed a glass of champers