Where strategy meets style
content marketing, strategy, personal branding, style, cincinnati, fashion, photography, midwest, creative
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DFS donation and drop-off!

DFS donation drop-off Yesterday, I stopped by the 4th Street Boutique to drop off an extremely generous donation of clothing from Soho Boutique (remember them from the Style Tour?) Trunk packed and ready to go! There was some good stuff in the pile--Alice & Olivia blouses, a Shoshanna dress, all kinds of contemporary brands, really. I kind of wanted to keep some of it

In a blue dress

The return of early Fall or Indian Summer or whatever we're calling it when the temperature gets up to 70 degrees in November prompted me to dig in the back of my closet for something to wear. I closed my eyes, reached in, and pulled out this vintage poly-tastic blue dress.It's still pretty chilly in the morning, so I bundled up in a cropped jacket, colorful scarf, and boots. I actually planned on wearing a

Projects in progress

Last week, I lamented my work load on Twitter: (You can follow @StyleSample for real-time updates--most of the time I'm not so complain-y, I swear.) Between the new issue of Style Sample magazine (out tomorrow!), Style Tour reviews, and a few other projects, my eyes are crossed from staring at page layouts and Wordpress admin screens. Good thing I love this stuff! Here's a peek at some of the things I've been working on:

I forgot my mantra

The clocks turn back this weekend, which means it's officially Fall, which means the next six months will consist of me gazing longingly at my summer sundresses and cursing my parents' choice to raise me in frosty Ohio instead of on a lovely Caribbean island where fruity drinks in pineapples and naps on the beach are a way of life. Thanks, mom. But I digress. What was I saying? Oh, right, it's Fall. The onset

Graphic scenes deleted

I was going through a pretty heavy black-and-white graphic print phase when I came across this cropped jacket on a random trip to H&M. The 80's print and shape (it has shoulder pads, y'all) aligned perfectly with the images hanging out in my inspiration folder: Images: LucyArt.com, Style.com, johannabasford.com, Trendir.com, designshrine.net, randomletters.com, farfetch.com, wokmedia.com, Net-a-Porter.com, Lanvin Loves H&M*Since I'm still coming down from my Halloween costume high, I figured I'd go all-out