Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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Dig if you will these pictures

Back when the weather was still warm (you know, the good ol' days), Cincy Chic sponsored a photo shoot with local photographer Neysa Ruhl. We took some group photos as well as these individual shots, which were used for a story covering local bloggers--I represented the fashion side. REPRESENT! Seeing the final product, one thing is two things are for sure: 1. I need new black dominatrix-y shoes 2. I am not in the running to

Fashion Month Review

Yet another fashion month has passed without any need for participation from yours truly. Don't they know I'm supposed to be running thangs? The Spring 2010 shows kicked off with New York Fashion Week back in September, and the fact that I wasn't a part of Fashion's Night Out and didn't get to attend Alex Wang's after party (We used to hang out in gas station parking lots back in my college party days--who knew we

Color Blocking

You know that "closet full of clothes but nothing to wear" feeling? I hate that. I've tried many times over the years to do something about it--I've tried reorganizing my wardrobe, picking outfits in advance, separating clothing and accessories by style--all to no avail. Some days I stand staring into my closet with no idea where to start. So now, I'm trying something different: I'm limiting my wardrobe and any future purchases to a defined color

Happy Birthday to Me!

The weekend before last, I was lucky enough to celebrate my birthday two days in a row! I spent time with people I love, ate wonderful food, and dressed up for absolutely no reason. Oh, and I got to say I lived another year. I guess that's pretty special. Honestly, I spent most of the weekend working on the new issue of Style Sample magazine. Putting this one together was a doozy--missing photos, extra layouts, unanswered

A Helluva Town

I took a trip to New York City this past weekend to attend my good friend's wedding. I hadn't been to NY since--well, I don't remember exactly, but it's been at least 2 years. I love the city, but haven't had the time or funds to make my regular pilgrimage, though I have been faithfully praying to the shopping gods on a regular basis. After being "welcomed" by the rudest cab driver ever, I checked in

Don’t Call it a Comeback

Man, I've missed this. I've missed you! I don't really enjoy writing (ironic that I do so much of it), but I recently realized how much I like blogging. I think it's the feedback and sense of community, in addition to the fact that sometimes it feels really good to get it all out, you know? I regret that I've been so bad about posting--that was partly because I'm a master procrastinator, but mostly because

Street Style Inspiration

One of the best things about the interwebz is the rise of street style photos. Sure the world wide web has other semi-useful purposes, but when it comes to checking out what other people are wearing, it really starts to earn its keep. These are a few of my current favorites. Clearly, I'm feeling the Parisian dandy/deconstructed stage costume look right now. Images: Jak+Jil,, The Sartorialist, Street Peeper, Do you have any favorite street style sites?