Where strategy meets style
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Tumblr Tuesday: Colorful Crochet and Double Rainbow Rainbows

Hope you had a great long weekend! Looks like playtime is over and it's back to the regular ol' grind. Here's what's inspiring me right now: Mysterious, exciting dusk has always been my favorite time of day; I like the way the world looks in watercolor; How much better would naps be in this colorful crochet contraption?; Crochet dresses can often be folksy, but this dress is just HAWT; A double rainbow rainbow of

Yellow Dip

I've been obsessing over this ultra soft tie-dyed tee from Brush Factory since last month's PopShop. In typical Tamia fashion, I didn't realize how much I liked it until AFTER the event--the same thing happens with guys. First meeting, I'm "Hey, what's up" all nonchalant, then the second time I see the same guy and he's the foinest dude I've ever met.Brush Factory tee; H&M pants; Steven shoes; vintage jewelryI don't know why

Wish List: Dark Heat

I know early summer is the time for bright colors and airy textures, but I'm in the mood for all things dark and mysterious right now. From abstract prints and muted tones, to gold accents and sleek surfaces, this is what's currently on my wish list:1. Fornasetti Sun chair, $3336 2. Morgaine Alexandra cuff, $75  3. Michelle Armas Ochi print, $20 4. Aminaka Wilmont dress $414, 5. Mi Piaci Gina bootie, $250

The sunlight draws a picture

Thrifted top, vintage skirt & jewelry, Da Me hat, DKNY heels I took some time to do my little DIY trick on a rarely-worn oxford, and paired it with one of my favorite vintage finds: a full black and gold print midi skirt. I saw this skirt peeking through the rack at some thrift store or another, and it immediately reminded me of something an elderly Russian lady in a head scarf would wear

Tumblr Tuesday: Cardboard cameras and cake art

Something about this look at the Miss Unkon show feels perfect right now; A single flower bathed in light has a very calming effect; The idea of a (non-working) cardboard camera is oddly intriguing; This is clearly the most realistic clock EVER; I've always been partial to this Julian Louie x Aldo collection even though I couldn't find it locally; Clearly, I'm not the only one who believes that cake = art.More inspiration at!

Photo Diary: Summery Weekend

On Friday, me and FriendBoy headed to Kings Island after work--y'all know how much I love Kings Island--to get our Season's Passes (thanks, Mom!) and, of course, hit the roller coasters. Also, there may have been deep fried foods with zero nutritional value and a towering blue ice cream cone. Maybe.On Saturday, I hit the OTR Summer Celebration to enjoy the warm (hot!) weather and some refreshingly tasty sorbetto. I TRIED to go to the

Mural on Main

My friend Alaina is putting together a series of fundraisers called Mural on Main to raise money for Artworks to paint a mural on the side of the building at the west corner of Main and Liberty. The mural will face high-traffic thoroughfare Liberty Street and serve as a colorful, quirky welcome to Main Street!I volunteered to help by creating the poster for the event, and after gathering the needed information