Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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It is done.

Hark, the first issue of Style Sample Magazine: Click and open in full screen mode for the "full effect." Links in the magazine are active, so explore and enjoy! While you're doing that, I'm off to take multiple naps and catch up on The Young and the Restless

Style: Blue Crush

I'm usually more of a purple person (thanks, Prince), but for some reason bright blue seems really fresh to me right now. Maybe it's because warmer weather is coming and blue reminds me of the sky and sea. Maybe it's because blue contrasts so nicely with all the gray/black/taupe in my wardrobe (really, who needs six gray cardigans?). Maybe it's because I've been craving some of that good ol' blue Smurf ice cream from Kings

Work Style: Take Flight

This jumpsuit was yet another goodie I dug out of the trunk of my car. I want to sew some sparkly Michael Jackson-inspired patches on this sucker so badly. Just call me Maverick! Vintage jumpsuit and clutch, army surplus belt, Giuseppe Zanotti heels, Claire's earrings. *Posts will be a little light this week since I'll be working on the magazine. Cross your fingers for me!

Wear It Now

The whole "Upper East Side housewife in the Hamptons" look has never been my thing, so I have to admit, I turned my nose up a bit at Tory Burch in the past. However, her Fall/Winter 2009 collection made me do a double take and I've seriously reconsidered accepting that marriage proposal from a wealthy New York investment banker type. Wait, what? Banks are failing and the stock market is in the dumps? Oh. Nevermind

Style: What I Would Wear…

Every now and then (ahem: daily), I allow myself to indulge in a bit of fantasy online shopping. It rarely results in an actual purchase given the pathetic status of my bank account, but it does fulfill a somewhat creative, extremely shallow need: The fantasies are all about meeee! Most involve a full-fledged production (highlighted script and secondary characters optional) including location, set design, and a complicated lighting scheme--no direct overhead lighting in my daydreams! This go

Work Style: Leather Love

I found this teal leather dress on a whirlwind thrift store tour, and figured it was too bad-in-a-good-way to pass up.  For months, it sat in my trunk aka third closet, languishing in the heat and cold, only to see the light of day when bags of groceries needed a ride home. Lately, I've been trying to wear more of the clothes I own, so out it came. But what to do with it? Teal leather

Casual Style: That 70s Girl

The 70's is one of my favorite decades in terms of style influence. High-waisted pants, polyester leisure suits, and fluffy 'fros? Hell yeah, you jive turkey! Note to self: Must refrain from watching reruns of Good Times before "DY-NO-MITE!" becomes a part of my everyday lexicon. Jeans, Grey Ant; shirt, thrifted; shoes, vintage; purse, Coccinelle; scarf, handmade