Where strategy meets style
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Last Minute Halloween Shopping

If you’re anything like me, every year you swear up and down that you’ll be ready with a fantastic Halloween costume weeks in advance, only to wind up frantically searching for something--ANYTHING--to wear the day of. Mmhmm, I see you. I’m a big proponent of DIY costumes, thanks to the fabulous things my mom whipped up for me when I was a kid--none of that fake plastic-y stuff for me, no ma’am! Thanks to those memories,

Tumblr Tuesday: Love Tattoos and Space Invaders

  I’m trying to do everything without bitching but it’s SO haaaard; It takes serious fashion cojones to wear a dress over a dress, but this is how it’s DONE; No cat worth their (fur)balls would use this adorable cat bed if their human wants them to; I just need someone to dress up as a Commodore 64 to go with this Space Invaders costume; Hand tattoos seem like a bad idea, but I like the

CFW Wrap Up + Bras With Flair!

Another Cincinnati Fashion Week has come and gone, this time sponsored by Macy's. Both the kickoff and the final show were held at in-store venues, which made what was once a grass roots indie event unquestionably mainstream. At the kickoff, DAAP fashion students showed off their styling skills using clothing and accessories available at Macy's. I'm loving the unexpected combo of bright blue with those earth tones. Fashion Finale On Saturday, the week of events culminated in a

Tumblr Tuesday: String Art and Crayon Sculptures

This lovely type is actually string art--neat, right?; I stand by my belief that ice cream is appropriate for all occasions, any time of the year; Don’t you think walking through this floral arch feels like entering some sort of wonderland?; I wish I’d been creative enough to carve crayon sculptures from the colors in my Crayola 64 box (with built-in sharpener, of course); There’s something unsurprisingly magical about the Tour Eiffel at sunset; This