Where strategy meets style
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How to: Design a simple business card

I returned from the IFB Conference with a stack of business cards, which I thought was fantastic. If you have a blog, a website, or especially a business (no matter how small), you should have business cards. While they seem like a holdover from simpler times, there are a few reasons why handing a small square piece of paper to a potential client, contact, or friend is still an

Queens of Kings Island

So, last Saturday was the day I look forward to all summer long: Dividend Day at Kings Island. Beautiful weather, roller coasters, and all the deep-fried food fit to eat!I love roller coasters and always have, thanks to my mother--who was also my partner in crime on this trip.  I have never understood the people who go to amusement parks just to "walk around." WTF is the point of that? Somebody, please explain.Oh, and the

Indie magazine love: Rue

I love reading and supporting other independent magazines, and while I usually focus on fashion and style publications, I enjoy pretty much anything with creative, pretty content.So, when I came across Rue magazine last night, I spent at least an hour (an hour I was supposed to spend working) flipping through page after page of beautiful imagery and taking inspiration from the clean, colorful layout.The magazine very adeptly combines fashion and home decor, and I'm

‘Cause I’m a lay-dy

Every now and then, I feel like a proper lady--you know, the type of woman for whom vacuuming while wearing heels and a pointy bra is an everyday occurrence.I don't have a bullet bra (gotta work on that), but I felt like a tight sweater and full skirt worn with pointy heels would be adequate, especially when paired with a headscarf and pompadour-ian Janelle Monae/Shingai Shoniwa-inspired updo.Note that the sweater is cropped. I bought it

Empire state of mine

So, I returned from New York earrrrrly yesterday morning after a pretty fabulous trip. Here's how it went down: Getting thereI have a very complex packing method, which is to say that my technique involves throwing a bunch of stuff I think I might want to wear on the bed and trying to create outfits out of the jumble. This is a very slow, complicated operation that usually lasts for about 45 minutes before I

Back-to-school breeze

The weather right now is nothing but sunshine and cool Back to School Breezes(TM), tricking me into obsessing about all of the freshly sharpened pencils, crisp lined paper, and gross-yet-amusing Garbage Pail Kids stickers I could put in my designer Trapper Keeper. The smell of a new pink eraser gets me every time. In honor of homerooms past, I decided to wear my version of an old back-to-school look: a boy's oxford, cropped


So, I made the (last-minute) decision to pack up and head to NYC for the IFB Evolving Influence Conference, and figured I might as well stay for the Fashion's Night Out festivities. You know, to support the economy and such.I've been working on the new issue of the magazine seemingly non-stop for the past few weeks, so I could use a fun break

Dernier week-end

Last weekend, I: Indulged my cupcake craving I'd been feenin' for a mini-cake all week, and when we stopped at ForkHeartKnife for dinner, there was a plate of vanilla cupcakes right there at the front counter.  I picked the one with the most icing and started eating it before I even ordered dinner. Rode my bike 4.5 miles Saturday morning, I set out with the goal of making it to Northside and back. I