Where strategy meets style
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Tumblr Tuesday: Drum Decor and Perverted Lattes

I love the idea of using an old drum as a nightstand; How clever that a poster for a fencing club looks as if the type has been slashed by a swashbuckler; Like I keep saying, beautiful shoes are like wearable sculpture; As a huge fan of feathers, the detailing on this couture piece is breathtaking; Ever been flashed by your double foam extra venti latte?; A bathroom with disco decor? Yes, please! Find

Tamia and the Sad Goodbye

At Second Sunday on MainTried to get out and enjoy myself a bit this weekend, despite the fact that I've been anxious about today for weeks.Today, I have to take my boyfriend - aka FriendBoy, aka Ted - to the airport because he's moving to Poland for three years. He's been my homie, my photographer, my roller coaster-riding partner, my confidante, my blog's biggest promoter, and my all-around BFF for almost 4 years now, so

Fashion Recovery

Whew! I'm still recovering from last night's activities, but I thought I'd share some pictures of the fun/mayhem:FNO CincyAt Saks pre-Fashion's Night Out. First, how cute are the ladies working there? Second, how badly do I need (yes, NEED) this feathered bag?My friend, photographer Ann Van Epps hung out at FNO Cincy and took great pics of the stylish women there. I didn't realize the store itself would be such a gorgeous backdrop

Blogging #FNOCincy

I'll (hopefully) be liveblogging the Fashion's Night Out event at Saks early this evening and the after party at FB's tonight from 9-10pm, so show up in your best fashion party look! My friend and talented photographer Ann Van Epps will be at Saks taking pictures of well-dressed fashionistas, which I'll be posting on this site! In the between time, I'll be "modeling" for Stop Traffick Fashion at A-Line's The Fashion Event, so it should

Quick Tip: What to Wear to Fashion Events

With Fashion Week(s) quickly approaching, we can look forward to fashion parties galore in the next month or so. While I won't be going to NYC for Fashion's Night Out like I did last year, I will be hitting A-Line's Fashion Event and the FNO event at Saks downtown to hang with fellow fashion lovers and (window) shop my heart out!Dressing for these events can be difficult, because you want to

Tumblr Tuesday: But Eets Leopard!

Recovering from a girl's weekend in Pittsburgh where I partied like I was 20, which subsequently necessitated resting like I was 80. More on that later.Now, in honor of the impending madness of Fashion Week, I'm feeling inspired by one of my favorite fashion staples: leopard print.As usual, Miss Moss (or is it Mrs. Hince now?) gets it right; Leopard and sparkle is about as glam as it gets; Mixing spots with artsy

How To: Create Image Maps for Your Blog

You know those online collages that let you click on different pictures to go to different sites, like in a blog post, email newsletter, or on a Facebook landing page? There's a good chance it was an image map. Image maps allow you to hyperlink areas of a single image to various URLs (websites) without "slicing" the image into separate files. They come in handy when you want