Where strategy meets style
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Inspiration: Witch One?

Are you a good witch or a bad witch? I was coerced into watching Disney's Enchanted, which wasn't the witty satire I expected it to be, but was fairly entertaining nonetheless.  Though I'm not really a pastels-and-flowers type of girl, I watched the end credits roll with an odd feeling of feminine power mixed with girlish vulnerability. One part of me wanted to sing and dance while cartoon birds circled my head and bunnies hopped around my

Work Style

Toning it down? Do you ever feel like you should tone your style down a bit? I work in a corporate office where it's acceptable (encouraged, even!) to wear a polo shirt and khakis every day, so sometimes I feel a bit overdone. Not to mention, I've received my fair share of "what the hell are you wearing?" looks. And once, I was walking down the street and two teenage girls literally pointed at my outfit

Resolution #27: Organize Closet(s)

One resolution down, 282 to go! So, this year, one of my resolutions was to organize my closet(s). I've made this resolution almost every year since I was 9. I won't say exactly how many years that makes it, but know that it is a sufficient number. I decided to organize in sections--you know, a place for everything etc., etc. Here goes: 1. Belts and long necklaces. Hanging on the wall to save space. I have at

Fashion is Going Green!

No, not that type of green, although conservation is a worthy endeavor in which we should all take interest! I'm talking about the color green, which hasn't been publicly appreciated since Kermit sang about it's virtues. If you have skin with orange or yellow undertones (and according to cosmetics companies, this covers approximately 60% of the US population), green can work for you! Personally, I like green because it adds color without being too obvious--it's bright and

Thrift Shopping is Fun

I was on a mission. A thrift mission. This past Halloween, I entered a costume contest (there was a cash prize). I was dressed as Prince and figured I had a decent chance of winning, because I reeeaally get into the whole costume thing and darnit if I don't have a purple velvet blazer and suede ankle boots at the ready at all times--you know, just in case. Anyway, one of the other contestants came dressed as

Das Boot: Casual Style

It had the nerve to be 70 degrees (yes, Fahrenheit. I know) here in Cincinnati this weekend. I decided to take advantage of this (rare!) good fortune and fulfill my semi-urban cowgirl needs by pulling out the ol' Dingo boots. Ah, the Dingos. I found them as I was casually strolling* through a local Goodwill and spent a good seven minutes tugging, pulling, and grunting muffled cursewords trying to fit my apparently gargantuan feet into these

Fun with Christmas Gifts

I friggin' love Christmas! I always feel bad when people talk about hating the holidays and "having to" spend time with their families, because I absolutely cannot relate. I love spending time with my family and exchanging gifts. This year's highlight was my mom's reaction when I gave her a Wii (which she's been specifically requesting for the past two years). She's so cute!Anyway, as fun as it is to give, receiving is a pretty