Where strategy meets style
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My Favorite Matador

A few weeks ago, I was asked to participate in the Symphonic Stylings fashion show on behalf of NVISION vintage boutique in Northside. I happily obliged by hamming it up all over the runway in a haze of wannabe Sasha Fierce-ness. It’s completely contrary to my nature to be that close to that many beautiful clothes without obsessing over SOMETHING, so after seeing this gorgeous matador-print skirt swish down the runway, I had to have it. It

Style: Dizzy Spell

All Saints tee; thrifted pants (easy DIY here!); Giuseppe Zanotti heels; NOMAD3176 shell necklace; bracelets from a craft vendor Mixing contrasting prints in coordinating neutrals makes me dizzy in the best way possible! Shop the look: Dorothy Perkins Aztec print tee | Oodi shell necklace | Forever21 Chevron striped pants | Bebe python print heels

Tumblr Tuesday: Earthpins and Painted Peacocks

The sheer fabulousness of these Balmain booties is giving me fashion hallucinations; How neat would it be if hills were created by giant clothing pins?; I’d like to hole up in a luxurious hotel room and sleep for a few days, pleaseandthankyou; I’m not one to wear my heart on my sleeve, but wearing it around my neck is a different story; I’m working on determining my “look” for fall, and this combination of quirky

Win a $40 Gift Card to The Limited!

I know, I know, I’ve been a Bad Blogger™. Just leaving without saying a word, not posting or tumblr-ing (though I have been tweeting). My bad! Though I have to say, it’s been nice just living life without thinking about how to editorialize it. Every now and then, it’s rejuvenating to take a Blog Break. Aaaanywho. I’m back today because I received an email offering readers a $40 gift card to The Limited (my old college

Brunch Basics

I love a leisurely weekend brunch as much as the next wino, but the whole occasion becomes slightly less leisurely when someone* is rushing you to get ready because they hate waiting in line at IHOP with the rest of the hangover crowd. When I need to look somewhat presentable in 15 minutes or less, I like to stick to the basics: cotton tank dress, femme high-tops, a denim jacket, and a big ol’ hairbun. No

Tumblr Tuesday: Red Velvet Ice Cream and Hippie Glam Sandals

How am I supposed to cut back on sweets when things like Red Velvet and Salted Caramel Pretzel ice cream exist?; You wouldn’t know it from the current state of my closet, but I like seeing accessories organized neatly; A cleverly altered plastic chair serves as a not-so-subtle reminder that yes, you WILL die; Who knew a rock (cushion) could be so comfy?; I feel like now is a good time to pare down my

  Remember that blue leather skirt? Vintage skirt and bag; Gap shirt; Steven heels; DIY scarf necklace I can never resist wearing my new stuff right away--even when it's not really new. Speaking of vintage, I'll be part of NVISION's fashion show at the Symphonic Stylings fundraising event at The Electric Warehouse this Saturday! Do not even get me started on some of the beautiful vintage dresses I tried on during my fitting--you don't want to miss this show!