Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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Current Obsession // Das (Patterned) Boot

Let it be known that I love a good bootie--and a good booty (#realtalk). Ankle boots always seem to provide just the right touch of downtown chic to any look, and right now I’m obsessed with these patterned boots. Both pairs are relatively comfortable, and are juuuuust dressy enough to make it seem like I tried to look nice on days when it takes ALL of my effort just to put on pants. The trend has

Shop // Local Gift Guide

I’m a big fan of shopping small local retailers, and I work with these businesses so much that I consider many of the business owners friends. However, I’m also a fan of sitting at home on the couch and shopping online--I mean, that’s just common sense. For a while it seemed as if never the ‘twain should meet, but many Cincinnati-area retailers have gotten hip to the e-commerce game and offer a variety of their

Shop // Holiday Gift Guide!

Welcome to Black Friday, the day holiday shopping Officially Gets Real and the race to find The Perfect Gift For Everyone is ON. For me, the thought of pushing through stampeding hordes of wild-eyed shoppers after spending 20 minutes trying to find parking is my own personal hell. Like most sane people, I prefer to shop online from the comfort of my bed, usually while finishing off a pint of Haagen-Dazs dulce de leche around

Work // Presents and Presentation

The December issue of Cincinnati Magazine is out! This one was a toughie--in addition to writing a few Best of the City spots, I put together a pretty darn extensive gift guide, a fun tabletop setting with plenty of party-worthy barware, and pulled massive amounts of jewelry for both the monthly and Wedding mag (coming soon) photo shoots! Fun Facts: I visited over 30 shops to find the best of the best  for the gift guide. If

Do Stuff // New Event Calendar!

With Thanksgiving less than a  week away, we’re officially in the Holiday Season, which means lots of events poppin’ up everywhere. This time of year, “events” usually translates to parties and shopping--which is fine with me! There’s so much going on that it would be impossible to share everything without putting some sort of calendar in place, so guess what I did?  Added a calendar! There’s a short list in the sidebar, or you can


Well. That took longer than I expected. I foolishly thought I’d be able to get the redesign done in a weekend, but cascading style sheets got jokes! Big props to web designers and developers--the coding process is tedious and requires serious attention to detail. No wonder the website is screwy. Either way, The Style Sample finally has a new look! I wanted to simplify a bit, and I like a lot of whitespace and contrast

Let’s Do a Makeover!

So I’ve been thinking about rebranding for a while, but a few weeks ago I realized it’s been almost four years since I redesigned this site! As many fashion trends have come and gone since then, it’s definitely time for a makeover. You know, something to give me a sense of control in a world of chaos. It’s more than simple aesthetics, though--as a full-time editorial stylist, fashion is now technically my profession, not just a

Work // Pants and Candy

The November issue of Cincinnati Magazine is on newsstands! Check out what I've been working on: Candy Crush Fun facts: I spent almost an hour picking out the prettiest pieces of candy from Jenco Brothers, all of which cost almost $40! There’s a lot of direction involved in editorial styling--I made a diagram of a hand showing the nail artist exactly how to do the manicure, and visited the salon to pick out the colors beforehand. Holding things doesn’t seem