Where strategy meets style
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Tangled up

Victoria's Secret sweater; thrifted skirt and purse; gifted Casualmere scarf, Gucci sunglassesNot to keep harping on the weather, but please let the record show that I'm wearing a wool skirt and sweater. In May. The last time I wore this skirt, it was practically a winter wonderland. Who do I need to contact to make sure this weather switch doesn't happen again?

Feelin’ drusy

My friend Catherine, one half of the team behind the delicately quirky accessories line Hark + Hark, was nice enough to gift me a necklace from their current collection at last weekend's PopShop. I hemmed and hawed before finally choosing this lovely purplish drusy pendant, and have been wearing it nonstop ever since. You can't buy the exact same necklace I have (it's, like, unique and special and stuff JUST LIKE ME),

Tumblr Tuesday: Shredded bell bottoms and shaggy throws

If shredded silk tie-dye bell bottoms are wrong, I don't wanna be right; This psychedelic art room is simultaneously my worst nightmare and my favorite dream; I'd love to drool myself to sleep on the shaggy throw in this lovely room; I love this type treatment that turns pouring paint into beautiful calligraphy; Every now and then, my heart is unexpectedly filled with genuine love for the 'Nati; love the sensually decadent feel of this

Weekend Photo Diary

I'm still (barely) recovering from another fun yet exhausting weekend, including the second installation of Final Friday PopShop--this time, marked by a great crowd, creative vendors, blowing bubbles, free haircuts, a suspicious set of blond wigs making the rounds, and a homecoming-ish picture at the end of the night. I also managed to stop by Goodwill to drop off a donation (and check to see if there was anything they needed me to

Earning my stripes

Vintage blouse, thrifted vest, Marc by MJ jeans, DKNY heels, Marc Jacobs bagI've been spending time spring cleaning, working on various projects (Final Friday PopShop is this week!), trying to find a hair stylist (seriously, I have a LIST of interview questions), enjoying time with my mom (hi Mom!), lamenting the fact that $3.85/gallon suddenly seems like a "reasonable" price for gas, and watching all the trees bloom green--seemingly overnight.I'm just so glad it's finally,

Tumblr Tuesday: Purple fog and ice cream macarons

All of this rain is sending me into a trench coat-focused spiral of need; Purple fog in Milan is second ONLY to Purple Rain in Minneapolis (for obvious reasons); Sparkly heels, 'nuff said; Forget Me Not scarves are like beautiful paintings I want to drape myself in; Why weren't Jeni's ice cream-filled macarons in Columbus when I was?; Apollonia's OTT eye makeup is my new go-to look for lingerie-clad stage performances (because I do that