Where strategy meets style
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Under Consideration

Okay, so I'm seriously considering getting a real hair cut. By seriously, I mean for the past two days, which is A REALLY LONG TIME, GUYS, especially considering I usually just grab some scissors and start hacking. Which is a big part of the reason I need a real, professional, non-jacked up hair cut now. I was browsing the Internets for ideas, and came across several pictures of Tanika Ray,

Party Tips(y)

Last night, I went to a party and proceeded to drink approximately 1/5 of a vodka tonic before getting legitimately tipsy. The Official Excuse is that I hadn't had dinner yet, but it really just boils down to the fact that I'm a lightweight. We headed through Fountain Square on the way to find food to absorb the alcohol so I could walk home without wandering into the

Can’t get away

No matter how I try, I just can't seem to get away from grays and neutrals. I want to--I do!--but TEH GRAYZ are such a prevalent part of my wardrobe it's hard to resist. I swear, one day I'm gonna bust out in red and pink and shock the heck out of everyone--including myself.H&M skirt and sweater; vintage blouse, necklace, and shoes; AA socks; Marc Jacobs bagOh, and to go along with the '70s secretary

Tumblr Tuesday: Pants like the ocean and Fijan beaches

I want pants that flow like the ocean; This ring is begging for a Cleopatra getup and a corny asp joke; Love the crazy nighttime feel of this Michelle Armas painting; Fijan beach at night = I want to go to there; I miss dyeing Easter eggs with my mom; These trainers make me miss the days of LA Gear and British Knights.Find more inspiration at!

Def Leopard

Thrifted blouse, necklace, and boots; Grey Ant jeans; Stetson hatSomething about the combination of leopard print, '70s-style denim (which I swear I ironed, though it apparently made NO difference), and a crisp Panama hat feels a little Zsa Zsa, a little Jimi, a little Michael, and verrrry rock 'n roll. All I need now is for someone to pour some sugar on me!

This is why I like shoes with ankle straps

So, this is probably going to sound silly, but I think my ankles are too skinny to pull off the socks-with-heels thing. Seriously, look!I thought I'd grown out of this particular paranoia (like maybe I gained some "ankle weight" or something), but these pictures brought it alllll back. Sigh. THIS is why I prefer shoes with ankle straps!Y'all know I think red shoes go with everything, so I did like the colors and the gold

Inspiration: White Hot

I don't know if it's the (mostly) warmer weather or my sudden, overwhelming need to wipe the proverbial slate clean, but clean, crisp whites accented with soft neutrals have been on my radar.Images: FashionZen, Dirty Hems, Taylor Made, High Style in the Hudson Valley, B. Jones Style, StreetFsn, One Dress a WeekApparently, I'm not the only one feeling this way - plenty of  fellow fashion-lovers have embraced creamy shades this Spring. It's also affected my

Tumblr Tuesday: Golden vertebrae and abstract chickens

I'm not a fan of Erin Wasson, but the styling here is dope; This vertebrae ring could get it; Any print that reminds me of an abstract '80s chicken is strangely intriguing; An over-the-top room requiress lounging around in a silk robe Hef-style; When I stack random stuff on a chair it just looks messy--I must be doing it wrong; Cute girls taking street style pictures of cute girls taking pictures is so meta it