Where strategy meets style
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Dear Santa, Part 33

Now that it’s Officially December, it’s a good time to write my yearly letter/email-with-links to my homie Santa: 1. No explanation needed, though I’m surprisingly interested reading magazines on one of these doohickeys. Apple iPad, $499 2. I prefer dark, heady fragrances, and this one definitely fits the bill. Tom Ford Black Orchid, $105 3. Completely inappropriate for anything other than posing provocatively in Terry Richardson-esque photos, but hey, I need a new swimsuit.  American Apparel one-piece, $46 4.

Tumblr Tuesday: Pasta Earrings and Deep Tea Divers

Skulls stopped being truly subversive a few years ago, but I like the proper lady/hellraiser vibe of these tea saucers; Flourescent and plastic Loubs are fabulously tacky in the way that only ridiculously expensive shoes can be; This image of deep tea divers only serves to amplify my appreciation for clever art; I may or may not have* devoured a few pints of this key lime pie ice cream;  Delicate patterns + letterpress = a

Executive Realness

I recently re-watched Paris is Burning for the first time in at least 10 years (it still holds up, in case you were wondering) and figured it was time to bring a little Executive Realness to my life. Hugo Buscati blazer; thrifted oxford shirt; J. Crew pants; NOMAD3176 necklace; Giuseppe Zanotti heels If you’ve never seen Paris, I encourage you to watch it (for free!) here. Like I said, it holds up and is just as exuberant/haunting/relevant

I Wanna Dance! With Somebody!

So, Halloween. The most bestest holiday EVAR. I pretty much knew what I wanted to be months ago, so after sewing in 5 lbs of hair weave (WHY SO MUCH WEAVE?) and applying 27 different colors of eye shadow (WHY SO MANY KOLORZ?), I was ready to dance! With Somebody, even! It just so happened that they played 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody' at EVERY SINGLE CLUB we went to that night (including a drag show), so

Tumblr Tuesday: Burning Love and Pumpkin Surprise

The bubble tank makes me want to say “watch out, fishie!”; You rarely see pumpkin-carving humor, but this illustration is really cute; I like the weave situation happening in this photo; This ribbon necklace will make a great DIY project when I actually get off my arse and do something; Love can burn you, but luckily there are meds for that; A yard full of jack-o-lanterns makes me smile like a