Where strategy meets style
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Photo Diary: Polaroid Party

Last weekend, I: Got dressed up as a bottle of Sriracha sauce for a surprise party, had my first taste of homemade peach sriracha ice cream (um, YUM), took some street style pics at The City Flea, was rudely reminded of my lack of hand-eye coordination during a shoddily played round of beer pong, and realized that despite the horrible writing for Crazy Stupid Love, I should probably be hanging

Ask T: Vacation Dressing

Sometimes readers ask me questions about things I pretend to know about. I usually respond with an unnecessarily verbose email, but this time I thought I'd share my advice! Hi Tamia! I love your blog, you are a style genius. I have a question about wearing those summery type cover up/dresses. I like them, I have several in bright colors. They are kind of shapeless though, I was thinking

Tumblr Tuesday: Yarnbombs and Rainbow Birds

Everything about this image is almost unbearably beautiful, A tiny "flowerpot" on a ring may be the only way I'm able to keep flowers alive; "Put a bird on it" is even more effective when it's a rainbow-colored bird; This wisteria-covered facade reminds me of my blissfully broke time in London; I love how a good editorial image can stop me in my tracks;  Things like colorful "yarn graffiti" are a big part of

Print My Message in the Sun

Vintage top, skirt, and clutch; Gucci belt; Seychelles shoes, Ray-Ban sunglasses So apparently we've reached that time of year when the temperature hits the '90s and just stays there for the next month and a half. Hooray! Days like this call for loose shapes and breathable fabric, so I dug up this vintage top (which I'm pretty sure belonged to my mom and may or may not be part of a pajama set) and a

DIY Scarf Necklace

I love a good scarf, I really do. But when it's 127 degrees out, walking around with a large swathe of fabric draped around your neck is not really the most prudent idea. Things get SCHWETTY.So, I've been thinking about making something a bit more accommodating, like a cross between a scarf and a necklace (a scarflace? a narf?). This is what I've come up with so far:I didn't do

Indie Newsstand

Time for some more indie magazine love!Joie is a women's lifestyle magazine covering art, craft, living, design, fashion, and more.Who's Jack is a lifestyle magazine for men and women, filled with fashion, music, art, design, and film.Faint is an independent fashion, art and culture magazine featuring international artists and designers.Collect/ive is a fine arts magazine focused on giving exposure to young artists. Minimal words, plenty of pictures.