Where strategy meets style
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Style: Scouts Honor

I found this old Boy Scout shirt when I was digging through my closet and decided I really wanted to wear it with something sparkly and girly for contrast. Of course, a grown woman wearing a Boy Scout shirt meant the comments from the peanut gallery were in full force: "Are you going camping? Can you pitch my tent? Did you earn your badge in (insert blatant ignorance here)?" Sigh. I started to wonder why I bought that shirt at the thrift store

Travel equals food

I don't know about everyone else, but I firmly believe that anything I eat outside of  a 30-mile radius of my home contains zero fat and no calories.  Fried foods, cotton candy, sugary baked goods--no matter what it is, it will not contribute to weight gain because I'm not eating it at home. It's scientific, trust me. I've actually been pretty "good" while here in DC, but last night we went to Georgia Brown's and, welllll

Style Sample Magazine #2

Woo-hoo! The second issue of Style Sample Magazine will be published at tomorrow! Here's a peek at the cover: If you haven't already done so, you should subscribe to get special announcements, sneaky updates, and blogging tips delivered straight to your inbox! Meanwhile, I'm writing /typing this from a hotel lobby (thank God for free wi-fi!) in Washington, DC and marveling about how much I like this area. Seems totally different compared to the last time I

Street Style: White Denim

While perusing, I came across a photo of a classic early summer look. The combination of an oxford shirt,  ripped white denim, and animal print sandals is the perfect example of easy modern style. Here's how it's done: 1. Van Heusen boy's oxford, JC Penney 2. Siwy ripped jeans, Shopbop 3. OPI nail polish in Coral Line Conga, Sephora 4. Prari "Renee" sandals, 5. Leather bag, Lush 6. Michael Michael Kors belt, Bluefly

Memorial Day Closet Remix

Memorial Day weekend usually marks the unofficial start of summer, and as such, is usually when I start pulling out my warm weather wardrobe. This year is a little dicey because I'm so busy doing other stuff--working on the 2nd issue of Style Sample Magazine, preparing for a business trip, gorging myself on fried foods at Taste of Cincinnati--but I figured I'd at least take inventory of what I have. Except