Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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Blue is the Warmest

Wore this out to an impromptu dinner necessitated by the fact that my fridge is currently running on empty. I’d actually been wanting to wear these pants because 1. They’re comfy as hell 2. They’re high-waisted enough to conceal the result of eating gelato and pizza and cake (oh my!) all weekend. Thrifted pants, cuffs, and clutch, Moda International top, Steven heels, Hats in the Belfry straw fedora, Lily in Flux pendant necklace, Forever21 earrings Full disclosure:

Style // 21 Jumpsuit

But hark! What is this miracle that hath been drug up from the depths of the internets? It is but an outfit post, a peace offering from a fashion blogger who slacketh much as of late. The good news is that I think I found a fairly simple way to take pics without having to go through the rigamarole of dragging around a tripod and bulky Nikon and setting up the focus and lighting for 20

Oh, Hey There!

I should start this off by apologizing for being a bad blogger and not actually, you know, blogging, but here’s the thing: I’ve been blogging nonstop, just not here. Keeping up the Cincinnati Magazine Style Scout blog and Cincinnati Wedding Bridal Buzz blog uses up most of the shallow reserve of writing skill I possess, and I’ve been posting about everything from DIY party decorations to the best places to shop for vintage furniture to

Editorial // 5 Looks to Wear Now

It's no secret that warm weather is (finally!) here to stay, so now is the perfect time for a mini wardrobe update. Check out these five looks for a little summer style inspiration. Pair a girly dress and colorful accessories with brogues for a fun (and comfortable) dinner date. Chloe & Reese dress, $325, lucite bracelets, $25 each, earrings, $29, Mar’De Couture, 2894 Woodburn Ave, ‎(513) 888-2007. Shoes, stylist’s own. Spend playtime at the park in a

The Evolution Will Not Be Televised

Every now and then I do something that reminds me how much I absolutely LOVE fashion. This week, it was the Friends of Fashion fundraiser/Cameron Silver book signing at Evolution. I knew about Evolution (and the brilliant STIFF UPPER lip), and LA-based vintage shop Decades is legendary so of course I was excited to meet special guest Cameron Silver, but I encountered something else there: a sense of belonging. What fashion lover wouldn’t delight in the

DAAP Fashion Show 2014

I had the pleasure of attending this year’s DAAP Fashion Show, and to say I was impressed would be an understatement. The setup, lighting, audio, staging, choreography, designs--everything--was on point and extremely well executed. And it all played to a packed house! Having interviewed several of the student designers for the DAAP Fashion Series, it was surprisingly  thrilling to see their designs come to life on the runway. I thought about the Polaroids Bree collected in

Work // Cincinnati Wedding Spring Issue

Several months worth of scouting and shopping and shooting came together in the gorgeous new issue of Cincinnati Wedding! This is our first-ever budget issue, so I pulled wedding dresses (and wedding jumpsuits) from everywhere--including Target--and they’re all under $1,300. 1. Touching up makeup on set at Obscura. 2. There was A LOT of wedding cake left over after the cake toppers shoot! We wound up giving away (um, and eating) huge hunks of rich, buttery goodness. 3.

Current Obsession // Goldringer

I can count on one hand* the number of times I’ve had a professional manicure, but even my DIY nails look sophisticated next to an assortment of delicate gold rings. I’m currently partial to mixing this rings-on-a-chain situation I got at LIBBY with a Rock Salt Vintage thumb ring and my favorite Tony Soprano-wannabe pinkie ring.  Bada bing! *But seriously, why are my hands so vein-y? I'm a phlebotomist's dream! [hr color="gray" width="100%" border_width="1px" ] SHOP LOCAL Sloane, LIBBY