Where strategy meets style
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How To: Dissect Runway Fashion

It's Fashion Week(s)! While the relevance and timing of runway shows has been hotly debated, they're still a very important part of the industry. At some point during the Fashion Week hullabaloo, someone unaccustomed to the intentional outrageousness of fashion shows--they're called SHOWS for a reason--will say something like "who would actually wear that?" (Clearly, they're unfamiliar with the likes of people like Daphne Guinness and Anna Dello Russo,

Tumblr Tuesday: Biodomes and Block Heels

I'm obsessed with the colors and shapes and general overall perfection of these Martin Bautista designs; A self-sustaining biodome is probably the only type of indoor greenery I could keep alive; Stay Puft has been amusing-yet-disturbing since Ghostbusters, and this Soylent Puft illustration is no exception; There's gotta be something clever to say about the correlation between clothing and cash represented by a shirt made of money; A block heel looks so much fresher

Runway Ripoff: Next Spring, This Fall

It seems counter intuitive to get all excited about Spring fashion when we're just now on the cusp of boot-and-sweater weather, but thanks to the (somewhat outdated) fashion cycle, the Spring/Summer 2012 fashion shows are in full swing!Even though floaty dresses and pastels (why so many pastels? WHY?) were all over the New York runways, there were also a few Fall-friendly looks that are currently wearable should one be

Mark Your Calendars!

Last night I took my getting-sick self to the vitaminwater uncapped LIVE kickoff event to take some pictures and whatnot for A-Line's website.I'd hoped to get my hands on some of that yummy-looking mac and cheese, but I waited too long--by the time I took the first round of photos, it was gone. Note to self: Eat as soon as you see the food. Looking greedy is inconsequential because YOU ARE GREEDY.Glow OnSpeaking of vitaminwater