Where strategy meets style
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Gucci, Mayne

I've never loved Frida Gianinni's version of Gucci as much as I loved Tom Ford's version, but this ish right here? THE COLORS! It was somewhat derivative and a bit costume-y, but I happen to love costumes, so the '70s-meets-'40s vibe worked for me. It even inspired me to do some screen-shopping for highly saturated color and Dolemite-worthy headgear. Cerrado Tunic, Anthropologie;Marc by Marc pencil skirt, Farfetch; Michael Michael

Made for walking

After yesterday's sunny-and-70's weather, I no longer feel like it's delusional to actively look for summery footwear, so I'm forging ahead. I should at least know what my options are, right?I was cruising the Internets working online when I noticed that a J. Crew ad had been following me for, like, five sites (have you noticed those Google Engage stalker ads?) and decided to have another look at their always-inspiring

Sherlock and the Revolution

Something about this overcoat (as it is a proper overcoat) makes me feel like a cross between Purple Rain-era Prince and Sherlock Holmes. Which is to say it makes me feel EXTRASUPERDOPE."Tell Wendy and Lisa to find Dr. Watson, stat!"Gap jeans, NY & Co shirt, overcoat from an old costume, vintage clutch and shoes, Urban Outfitters scarfDo you ever wear clothes that make you feel like a character (in a good way)?

Photo Diary: March on

I swear I didn't mean to order/eat/enjoy the heck out of that glazed donut, but it was just too good to resist.Even the lagering rooms located 30 feet underground some of Cincinnati's historic breweries have been tagged with graffiti. How did people even get down there?The Southwestern strata at Iris Bookcafe is seriously yummy. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd try to make it at home