Where strategy meets style
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4 things: Lace-up booties

Sometimes I dream up these grand fashion fantasies wherein I fixate on one item that I think will change my life. I imagine that this perfect blazer/shoe/pair of jeans will enhance my entire wardrobe and it's Definitely Worth Buying because I'll Wear It All The Time! Street Peeper, Stylesightings, Copenhagen Street Style This week (yes, this happens quite regularly), it's lace-up booties. Seeing these chunky-yet-seasonally-appropriate babies in

Leftover sequins

I know all the razzle-dazzle of the holiday season is over, but the gold sequins were calling me! Who am I to say no?Vintage vest, top, and shoes; thrifted pants and shirt, Marc Jacobs bagI think the secret to dressing down the over-the-top-ness of sequins and fur is to pair them with extremely casual workwear like olive khakis and an old military shirt. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking like you were attacked by

New Year’s Photo Diary

Happy 2011! Can we all please say "twenty-eleven" instead of "two thousand eleven" now? kthanks. Fueled up with an egg and cheese croissant and hot tea at Enzo's, got my learn on at the library, headed to Fountain Square for ice skating and fireworks (what's up with not counting down to the new year?), recuperated with too many mugs of chocolate tea (tea + hot chocolate + milk + whipped cream), and finally

Instant Outfit: New Year’s Eve

I tend to procrastinate wait for inspiration to strike, so there have been times when I've been forced--FORCED!--to put together an outfit with stuff that's already in my closet. That's where Instant Outfit comes in, with ideas to work with pieces you likely already have. Use what you got to look the way you want.* Cardigan, Anthropologie; belt, Urban Outfitters; jeans, Old Navy; earrings, Noir; shoes, AldoMy NYE plans are pretty sedate, but I will

Proportion Play

I love the detailing and cozy slouchy-ness of this sweaterdress, but when I put it on, it felt a leeeetle too short for wading through the snow and ice. Instead of trying to find something else to wear ('cause that could take ALL DAY), I added a longer skirt underneath the dress for extra coverage and an additional layer of warmth. The proportion works because the skirt doesn't add

Christmas Spoil(ed)s

I hope you had a merry Christmas! Mine was fantastic (as usual) since I got to spend time engaging in kooky hijinks with my family. Plus, there were gifts and such! A few highlights:I asked my dad for a purse and somehow he knew to get me this gorgeous Marc Jacobs bag I've had my eye on. Have I mentioned that he's awesome? No? Well, he's awesome.I used to draw

Clad in Plaid

I own exactly two plaid items: the blazer last seen here, and a long wrap skirt. Both were picked up on various Thrifting Adventures.The skirt in its native stateWhen I first saw the skirt in all its Highland glory, I got a distinct McQueen/Westwood-y vibe from the color and length.McQueen, Westwood, Westwood. Images via Style.comHalf-brained idea in mind, I played around with pinning and draping, then rigged it up using the attached ties

How to: Get dressed up, quick!

Smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, we're all bound to be invited to a few parties. I usually like to take time to plan and prepare for such events, but last weekend things went a bit differently. I'll present a possible scenario* in the hope that my experience helps you. You may be spending a cozy afternoon swathed in designer cashmere** when you receive a call from your