Where strategy meets style
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Changing (style) direction

For the past several seasons, fashion has been all about tough-girl grunge chic, replete with biker-inspired leather and spikes. "We're in a recession for chrissakes!" everyone exclaimed. Cue the shaggy hair, kohl-encircled eyes, and slashed and shredded clothing that looked like it barely survived the apocalypse; all finished off with four-inch platform stripper heels. NYFW, Fall 2009 It makes me tired thinking about it, and I'm a pretty hardcore strong-willed bitchy type. Maintaining such a defensive stance

I, Pad

In accordance with all the hype, earlier today I sat at my desk, anxiously clutching my empty wallet in anticipation of the revealing of the great and powerful Apple tablet. Feverishly updating a Twitter keyword search (which received no less than 200 new tweets every 5 seconds) and cursing whenever I lost audio from the livestream, I developed a somewhat comical system of refreshing no less than three simultaneous liveblogs of the event while retweeting ridiculous

Black velvet if you please

Do you ever forget you own stuff? Sometimes I come across a blouse or a dress or a pair of shoes I forgot even existed, and a weird shameful/joyful feeling of discovery washes over me. On one hand, there's the "Woo-hoo, more clothes! It's like I went shopping!" feeling; on the other hand, I wonder why I get to have so much that I forget about it, when other people surely need more. Still trying

I am not my hair. Or am I?

This weekend, I finally had the time and motivation to do something I haven't done in 5+ years: I (temporarily) straightened my hair. Part of the reason I haven't put hotcomb to hair strands in so long is that I never really felt the inclination. Okay, fine--I admit that being lazy busy had a lot to do with it, but my natural hair texture also felt more me. However, last weekend, curiosity got the best of

This page is in French

I came across some old(er) photos while backing up my computer, which I'm supposed to do weekly but am more likely to do quarterly. Ah, well. The skirt and top are both thrift store finds--the skirt stood out because I'm always drawn to bold stripes, and little boy's oxford shirts are permanently on my "I need more of these" list. I picked up this sweater dress (again, while thrifting) because the embroidery reminded me of something Consuela

Reading Roundup

Interesting reads I've come across on the web: Though not really surprised, I was FLOORED by the H&M Clothes Trashing report. Seriously? I know they're not exactly high priced items, but even if they were, is it really more cost-effective, and more importantly, environmentally ethical to destroy and dump bags of unused clothing? Social Media Business Strategy Great article about implementing a social media business strategy on Mashable. Remember, set your objectives and listen first! Startup therapy:  Ten