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Foster Roster

So, I finally caved. After months (okay, month) of missing my beloved kitty Cortez, I decided to be a foster mom to a kitty-in-need for the local Pet Alliance. His name is Beauregard Aloysius, Beau for short (see also: Beau-bear, Beau-bunny, Baby B, Wheezy Beau, and a jillion other unnecessary cutesy-poo nicknames) and as his name suggests, he is a southern gentleman. He was sick as a dog (ha!) due to an upper respiratory infection when I

Like grown folks

These old school Liz Claiborne trousers are so Miss Denecke (my second grade teacher), whose life goals must have included looking like an extra from the set of "Knots Landing" and teaching us to properly write cursive. I'm wearing teacher pants and a blazer. It's (almost) like I'm a grown up! Speaking of growing up*, have you ever thought about what it would be like to spend your childhood as an unpaid laborer or sex slave?

Gold Rush

Thrifted pants, shoes, and bracelets; Iceberg top; Gucci belt Wearing my old lady pants procured on a thrifting adventure (the high-waisted carrot shape looks so friggin' good to me right now) and sticking to the color palette: Aren't you proud? You'll like these, too: Color Blocking Thrift Gift 2 English Countryside Like this post? Subscribe to the RSS feed, or subscribe by email and get new posts sent directly to your inbox!

Thrift Gift 2: Back to Goodwill

I didn't mean to go thrifting again, but see, what had happened was, I had some more stuff to drop off at Goodwill. That's a good thing, because it means I'm purging items that I no longer need and supporting a good cause, right? I'd never been to this particular location before, so I figured I'd better check it out to make sure my donated goods were going to be put to good use. Plus, I

"I totally paused!"

Clueless was, and still is to this day, one of my favorite teen movies. Really, it ranks right up there with Girls Just Want to Have Fun! and Fast Times at Ridgemont High (also directed by Amy Heckerling). Sadly--or gladly--I have all of the above on DVD. I watched Clueless pretty much non-stop after my uncle was kind enough to tape it (err

Rock With Me

Three guesses as to what my Halloween costume is! I'll post pics Monday. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to pick out my 'fro and eat some of the Skittles I bought for the office's "Harvest Celebration." What are you gonna be for Hallowe'en? You'll like these, too: Work Style: Solid Gold "Street" Style Thrift Score! Like this post? Subscribe to the RSS feed, or subscribe by email and get new posts sent directly to your inbox!