Where strategy meets style
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Style: English Countryside

The weather goddess was nice enough to give us a break from hair-frizzing 90-degree humidity and grace us with cool breezes and temperatures in the 70's. All the better to break out the riding boots (I've missed my boots and sweaters!) and a thrifted plaid blazer on the way to a late breakfast. Plus Cortez (kitty) is doing much better so I was all "What's all this, then?" and in a really good mood. Blazer, necklaces,

Interview with: M641

M641 business partners Subu and Ina had been friends for years before launching clothing line Madras 641 in Spring 2007, just months after putting together the initial business plan. "In January 2007 during a visit together while our little ones were playing she shared her dream to have her own clothing label one day. Since both of us were at home full-time now with our little ones, we realized had so much in common and

Style: 90's Throwback

A few facts: This past weekend was hot as monkey balls. I don't get rid of clothes, so I wind up with a lot of what I like to call "personal vintage"--stuff I know I should've given away years ago, but have kept for so long that it's coming back. This circa 1997 Express romper absolutely falls under that category. See also: 8th grade jeans My kitty is very sick and I'm not sure how much

Anybody Home?

I've been such a bad blogger lately. Between work and writing and tending to my sick kitty and being plain ol' tired, I just haven't felt like it. I'm thinking of cutting back to two posts per week instead of my usual three, just to give myself some breathing room. *Sigh*. Why is life so haaaaard? </unnecessary drama> On the plus side, I had a small picture in an ad for Lucky Style Spotter in the September

Caribbean Queen

Reading about everyone's tropical vacations this summer when the furthest I'm destined to travel is Northern Kentucky (which yes, is just as exciting as it sounds. As in not at all.) has been a bit depressing. I like hot weather and beaches and drinks with umbrellas in them, too! One third of my prayers was answered when it got up to the 90's this past weekend, so I decided to look on the bright side and

Random Fashion Inspiration

I figure we've known each other long enough to expose you to my errant babble and rambling life reflections: I discovered Scandanavian designer Henrik Vibskov a few months ago and am LOVING his effortlessly blase pieces. Did y'all ever "design" new outfits with Fashion Plates and a bunch of stubby colored pencils? And did you play with Designer Denim Barbie? I remember those pink molded plastic cowboy boots like it was yesterday

Best of: Personal Style

You know how sometimes you'll sit down to watch one of your favorite TV shows only to find out three minutes into it that it's a rerun show? No, I don't mean rerun as in beret-wearing What's Happening? Rerun, I mean it turns out to be one of those "best of" recap shows that always seems to pop up during a writer's strike/contract negotiations/general production laziness. Well, think of this post as a "Best of The

Style: Such a Tees

On my way to Fountain Square to take a break from working (and working and working) on the upcoming issue of Style Sample Magazine. I decided to wear my new Nati Evolvement tee (thanks guys!) with a stretchy cotton pencil skirt and the high-heeled ugly-but-cool booties to sex it up a bit. After adding a print scarf and a casually tipped beret, I was ready for some Graeter's ice cream*! It's a really easy look to