Where strategy meets style
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Unrequited Shoe Yearning

These Guiseppe Zanotti heels are currently 36% off at Couture Zappos. They are only available in my exact size. They are snakeskin and lace up with a minimal yet distinct open toe and a covered platform. In short, they are exactly what I've been looking for. Is this a sign? Or is it a test? I'm in agony over here. What would you do?

Thank You, America!

After attending Obama's swearing-in yesterday, I really felt the need to represent the US! While the steps of Cincinnati's City Hall aren't exactly the White House, I didn't want the feeling of being in DC among the exuberance and excitement of the inaugural events to end. I decided to put my best quasi-political foot forward in red, white, and blue stripes, red ankle boots, and a beribboned porkpie hat. For me, the magnitude of yesterday can be

Packing for the Inauguration

I'm on my way to DC for the inauguration! Okay, technically, it's not the inauguration--it's the swearing in. I doubt I'll be able to see anything important, but I really wanted to be there amidst the love and excitement. So, since I have a long bus trip ahead (yes, that's right: bus. Pray for me.) I spent some time (read: 20 minutes. Because I procrastinate. I'm the queen of "Eh, that can wait.") considering what to pack. I need to be comfy (10

Inspiration: The Original Blair

Yes, I watch Gossip Girl just as obsessively as everyone else even though I'm waaayyy past their target demographic age. But that also means I'm old enough to remember another bossy Queen B years before Ms. Waldorf came along--Blair Warner of The Facts of Life. Blair was a bossy, stuck-up, rich bitch who strutted around the campus of the exclusive Eastland School for Girls as if she owned the place--actually, I think at the end of

One Piece, Three Ways

Since I'm a pack rat at heart, another one of my resolutions is to find new ways to wear things that are already in my closet. This philsophy also happens to be a little easier on my bank account than my usual "I have nothing to wear so let's go shopping and spend money I don't have" line of reasoning. Inspired by Marian over at The House of Style looking fab in her strapless velvet top, I

Style: Short & Sweet

On yet another thrifting adventure, I found this sweet little cheongsam-inspired dress. I liked the colors, the fabric, and the details, but the dress itself was too long--not long enough to be a gown, but long enough to look matronly. Y'all know I don't do matronly. So, I took it to Nobby's, a family-owned custom tailoring shop that's been in downtown Cincinnati for over 50 years. As soon as I walk in the door, the tailor

Style: Off the Wall

Some days it can be difficult to put an outfit together--especially since I usually roll out of bed an hour before I'm supposed to be at the office. On those days, when I'm stumbling around in the dark in a semi-coherent sleep haze, a dress is my best option. But how do you add interest when you only have one piece to work with? Personally, I like to add pieces of various colors and textures: a striped