Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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Shopping // Step Up Your Gift Game at the CAC’s Revamped Gift Shop

For some people, the shopping at the museum is just as important as the art at the museum. I confess: I am one of those people. So it should come as no surprise that I was excited to see the Contemporary Arts Center’s revamped gift shop. At 300 square feet, the new shop’s footprint is smaller than the previous retail space (that area is now a gorgeously appointed café), but is now front and center, boasting

CLOSED Win a Free Clothe Ohio Sweatshirt!

This is how you Clothe Ohio: Step 1: Get together with a group of fantastic blogger ladies (aka the girls from Thread Cincinnati) and style up your favorite Clothe Ohio t-shirt. Step 2: Prance around OTR on a random Sunday morning taking pictures of each other while giving whoever happens to be behind the camera your best Tyra-approved smize. Step 3: Give away a sweatshirt so someone else can enjoy! Free clothes are great, but Clothe Ohio has a

The Total Look is the Total Package for Fashion Enthusiasts

For lovers of fashion and history, the Cincinnati Art Museum’s Rudi Gernreich retrospective is a dream come true, especially if your dreams are a cross between a swinging ‘60s dance party, a fashion magazine editorial, and a passionate women’s rights rally. Yes? Well then, welcome to The Total Look. The Total Look focuses on Gernreich's work throughout his career, which was heavily influenced by feminism and his collaboration with model and muse Peggy Moffitt (whose archive

Work // Double Blog Lives

Sometimes I feel like I’m living multiple blog lives. I’ve been running around doing interviews, taking pictures, and posting content 4-5 times per week--just not here. That blogging takes place over at and, but I want to share all the nonsense I talk about there with y’all, too! A lot of it is really fun: Recently, I went to a bridal fashion show at a historical mansion, got a sneak peak at the sexy

Photo Diary// Mexican Sunsets and Doughboy Friends

Hey there! Here’s a little bit of what I’ve been up to lately: Trying the ski thang. Fine, we only went tubing but it still counts! Reflecting. #yoga #poolside #anotherdayinparadise A photo posted by thestylesample (@thestylesample) on Feb 19, 2015 at 2:30pm PST Making puffy new friends: I make dough, but don't call me Doughboy #checkyoself #icecubewisdom #cmsweetvictory A photo posted by thestylesample (@thestylesample) on Feb 10, 2015 at 4:53pm PST Going away to Mexico! Oh, how I miss soft sea breezes

#TBT to The Designing Life, 80’s Fashion at its Finest

There’s not much I love more than authentic vintage fashion. Something about the history, the stories, the nostalgia, the what-were-they-thinking excites me and makes me wonder what about today’s styles will look absolutely ridiculous in 10 years’ time. So when Cincinnati Magazine’s Managing Editor brought me a book from her archives called The Designing Life—published by W Magazine in 1987—all it took was one flip through the pages and I was obsessed. Take a look at

Current Obsession // Block Print Scarves

Y’all know I love a good blanket-scarf (aka blarf). Oversized scarves can sometimes come across as pretentious--I blame the French--but for me, they’re a necessity. I can’t explain how or why, but if my neck gets cold, I’m guaranteed to be sick within 48 hours. It sounds ridiculous, but I swear it never fails. One day while researching travel communities, I came across Taarik scarves and was instantly transfixed. The bold block prints, the bright colors,

Style // #BossBitch

Vintage skirt from Portaluca, H&M turtleneck, Jamawar shawl/blarf, Guess boots, Gucci belt Inspired by the ‘70s vibe on the runways, I added yet another vintage leather pencil skirt to my already gratuitous collection of vintage leather pencil skirts. Paired with a simple black turtleneck, black boots, and gold-accented accessories, this combination has #bossbitch written all over it.   SHOP IT!