Where strategy meets style
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Design Project: OTR Gift Guide

I recently finished a big photography and design project: An online gift guide for independent businesses in Over-the-Rhine. The area's merchant groups wanted something to showcase the variety and depth of gift-appropriate items available on Main and Vine streets to encourage people to shop local this holiday season.Environment and product photographyPage design and layout So, after running from store to store taking pictures for two days and spending several more days (and very late nights!)

Tumblr Tuesday: The Gilded Age

I wouldn't mind taking a dip in King George VI's gold tub; The loveliness of this sleek iPhone amplifier cannot be overemphasized; There HAS to be some non-Gaga circumstance in which a gold bustier leotard thingy is appropriate; Gilded satin booties and purple feathers remind me of you know who; I always enjoy a bag that takes the idea of gold leaf as literally as possible; Intellectually, I understand that a gold copy machine is

The New Uniform

It looks like I'm becoming one of those bloggers who starts every post by apologizing for not doing any actual blogging. To be fair, I have been exceptionally busy--working two jobs, planning and styling a photo shoot, and finishing up a big photography and design project--all while fighting a sinus infection marked by a veritable rainbow of nasty ooze. You know what that means? That means I'm a BEAST.Since I

Tumblr Tuesday: 3-D Typography and Decorated Deer

Who knew that combining clashing colors would result in such a beautiful dress?; I swear nature comes up with the best color schemes; My melty crayon art never looked this good when I was a kid; This decorated dear makes me want to find some fusty old statues and go to town with colorful twine and tassels; Of course I love the idea of 3-D typography; The trappings of a traditional Parisian luxury appartment will

Unpopular Fashion Opinions

I'm sick, my nose won't stop running, and I have a lot of work to do, so I'm feeling extra grouchy. I'm also a little woozy from the meds and in the mood to talk about UFOs--no, not the kind with little green people--UFOs as in Unpopular Fashion Opinions. There are several things that are deemed "classics" in the fashion universe--untouchable icons of style, so to speak. Things everyone else seems to love that I have

Zoot Suit Quiet

Thrifted trousers, blouse, belt, and jacket; DKNY heelsSomething about the pants I picked up during this Thrifting Adventure (TM) make me feel like a cross between a circus clown and that dancing cartoon cat from Paula Abdul's "Opposites Attract" video.  But you know, in a good way.

Tumblr Tuesday: Wicked Witches and Wrapping Paper

Please pardon my absence as of late--I've been off earning my official Bad Blogger Badge. I recently went from working like crazy to find a job to working like crazy because I have too many jobs. Since my schedule is not as flexible as it once was (*sheds a tear*), I'm thinking I'll go back to posting three times a week like when I first started blogging--maybe Tuesday, Thursday, and

Winter Wares

Since I'm gearing up for The Big Switch--you know, switching out all of my lightweight summer stuff for heavier knits and wools--I thought it would be a good idea to keep this season's color + texture inspiration in mind. Otherwise, I wind up trying to fit EVERYTHING into my closet/armoire/accessory annex and y'all know that never works!Images: Intermix, Net-A-Porter, Topshop