Where strategy meets style
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Video: Thrift Shopping Haul!

YOU GUYS. You won't believe this, but I finally got around to doing another video blog! It's only been, what, a year since the last one?So, recently I hit my new favorite thrift store intending to pick up one or two items. Riiiight. Being me, I managed to leave with TEN items--including two pairs of shoes, a dress, two blouses, and several pairs of pants--all for under 30 bucks. Watch and learn

Tumblr Tuesday: Light-filled Canals and Chandelier Cozies

A delicate pendant necklace with crystals (my favorite!) "growing" out of it is nothing short of perfect; I know the canals can be a little funky, but look how beeyooooteeful Venezia is; These Johnnie Walker meets Ming Dynasty bottles are just one example of brilliant packaging design; I love that simple paper art can make such a meaningful statement; If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, how much is

Stronger Than Me

Of course I choose to squeeze my bloated belly into my favorite (but TIGHT) bustier on a day when it's 95 degrees in the shade. Clearly not the most stellar idea I've ever had. Grey Ant bustier; Forever21 tank; H&M jeans, Jeffrey Campbell shoes For once, I'm actually GLAD the weekend is over. The past one was a doozy, with news of massacres and train wrecks and vengeful gunmen and celebrity death suffocating

Thoughts of You Get In My Eyes

Kookai top; Forever21 skirt; Seychelles sandals; Hats in the Belfry hat When it's this hot (96 degrees according to my phone), there are only three things I care to wear: 1. Cotton underwear (do I really need to explain?), 2. A straw hat to block the sun, and3. Plenty of SPF 85. Everything else is just an attempt to avoid public indecency. Have a great weekend!

Chatting With: Vintage Shop Owner Kelsey Gibbs

One day, I was browsing Chictopia and saw a picture that stopped me mid-scroll. "Who is THAT?" I wondered, as I (of course) tagged it as inspiration on Tumblr. A bit of clicking around and googling led me to Kelsey Gibbs' Tractordog Vintage online shop, soon to expand to become The Wonder Shop brick-and-mortar retail store in Wilmington, North Carolina. I love a good entrepreneurial go-getter story, so I immediately got

Tumblr Tuesday: Orange Suits and Gym Class Parachutes

Who knew that artfully woven grosgrain ribbons could result in such a sophisticated necklace?; This painting reminds me of a colorful wad of chewed-up gum--in a good way; An angry paper beast sculpture seems like a perfectly reasonable home decoration when it's this fun and colorful; I never thought I'd say yes to an orange suit and velvet smoking slippers, but YES; I haven't always been a big fan of the color orange (it,

Weekend Photo Diary: Parks & Recreation

Despite hot weather-laziness setting in (you know when it's so hot it just makes you TIRED?), I managed to get the couch and enjoy the weekend!T-Shirt Fest Friday evening, I headed to Fountain Square to check out T-Shirt Fest. In my deluded mind, I always feel like I don't have enough casual tees for trips to Kings Island and hanging out on weekends. This is not actually true--I have plenty of t-shirts-- but that's