Where strategy meets style
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I can haz exploitation?

To quote Tavi's kick-ass post about Terry Richardson's pervasive perversity: And, let's clarify: you don't love women just because you have sex with them and like taking pictures of their ladyparts. I'm not saying that's all Richardson does, but "love" entails "respect" and also "the basic human decency to not use pictures of someone's lady parts for your photography show without her permission" and also "the basic human decency to not pressure a girl into giving

Style Sample Magazine mentioned in WWD!

From the May 7, 2010 issue of Women's Wear Daily: "A free digital magazine focused on and written by fashion bloggers, Style Sample just released it's sixth issue [actually, it's the seventh issue]. While the base site is more of a boon for bloggers (it provides plenty of how-to info and technology tips), it also allows readers to click through to the issues. And that's where an overload of creativity lives. Although it's a bit meta

Working Weekend

Even though I spent most of last weekend huddled over my computer working on the next issue of Style Sample and lamenting the neverending rain (it made me sleeeepyyy), I did manage to get out a bit on Friday evening. My new Nikkor 55-200 lens was waiting for me when I got home on Friday (woohoo!), so I hit Final Friday with Friendboy and tested it out a bit. Of course, my first subject was Beau the

Captain’s Log: The future of design

Last week, I headed over to LPK (which is housed in a gorgeous historical building, by the way) for a talk called Memo from 2015: What the Future Wants from Designers. The event was sponsored by the Cincinnati AIGA and led by adorably baby-faced-but-apparently-brilliant LPK trend analyst Brian Meyers. Call me shallow (you'd be right), but I'm much more likely to listen to an analysis of future trends from someone who looks straight out of a

Cincinnati Fashion Week wrap-up

The inaugural edition of Cincinnati Fashion Week ended on a high note last week, with a show for emerging designers at Suite at Blackfinn on Thursday and el grande finale (I like to mix French and Spanish—I call it Sprench*) fashion show Friday evening at the Hyatt. I attended an AIGA event about the future of design on Thursday evening (possibly more on that later), but I arrived at the fashion show just in time to

Kicking off Cincinnati Fashion Week

Monday marked the start of the very first Cincinnati Fashion Week, a 5-day extravaganza of parties and events designed to entertain and provide me with an excuse (finally!) to break out the Giuseppes. It's also the week of article submission deadlines for the upcoming issue of Style Sample, so posting will either be very heavy (if I manage to get my ish together), or very light (if I collapse into a quivering mass of nerves), depending