Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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Shop Around // Ossie Boutique

The weather was on the verge of a downpour the first time I stepped into months-old Hyde Park shop Ossie Boutique. I'd been suspiciously eyeing the navy blue clouds overhead when an aMAHzing gold metallic vest called out to me as I passed by the window. I knew I had to find out more. The shop, co-owned by Meredith Borchers and her mother, gets its name from fashion designer Ossie Clark, whose presence and aesthetic they

Current Obsession // Sunglass Fiend

For some reason (I dunno, SUMMER?) my passing interest in lunettes de soleil has taken a turn and blossomed into a full-blown problem. I started the season with two pairs, and have somehow, against my will and better judgment, accumulated all of the above, including a fancy schmancy prescription transitions pair. I figure while I’m at it and the sun is still shining, why not go whole hog and create a full-on sunglass wardrobe? SHOP IT! //

Style // On the Fringes

My favorite vintage Afghan necklace was calling out for something embroidered and/or fringe-y to go with it, so I picked up this perfect Pepin tee at Sloane’s garage sale. I promise I shop other places, but your girl is all about a good deal, mmkay? Vintage choker from The Little Mahatma, woven mini-bag from Kilimanjaro African Heritage I wore it with high-waisted Madewell jeans I chopped off and heavy drop earrings that I can only wear

Style // Black & White & Sweat All Over

It’s hot out hurr, but leave it to me to sweat my way through the heat wave in my favorite color combo and bracelet-as-choker contraption. I picked up this breezy little top on sale at Sloane, and guys, the sales right now are INSANE. Now is the time to shop for the trendy little pieces you couldn’t convince yourself to invest in at full price, or that high end item you couldn't really afford otherwise.

Untitled (How Does It Feel)

Last Friday was a weird day. After waking up to news of yet another violent tragedy for the third time in as many days, I was terminated. No, not in the futuristic cyborg assassination sense. As in my position was eliminated. I was fired. I packed up my desk in a daze. I called my mom. I cried. Like any relationship, even if it’s one that’s not working anymore, leaving hurts. Especially when it’s not by

CLOSED Giveaway // Inspired by Women with a Vision (Sponsored)

My first encounter with feminism came via a Fabulous Five book I read in elementary school. The main character (Jana) notes that her friend Katie is deep into the “women’s movement,” which sent me scurrying to my mother to ask what that meant. I don’t remember exactly what she told me, but I know that it wasn’t until years later, when I did a mental rewind and remembered that book, that I understood what Jana

Newsletters are New Again

It seems antiquated in the age of the FaceChats and InstaTweets, but e-newsletters are experiencing a surprising resurgence. Much like the rebirth of podcasts, a new wave of emailed infotainment has come to take over our inboxes. While the format hasn’t changed significantly since the days of OGs like DailyCandy (RIP), a well executed newsletter provides welcome relief from the usual bill notifications and cash-strapped Nigerian princes. A few of my current favorites: Tomorrow Looks Bright This curated newsletter highlights