Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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Got Em!

Due to a larger than expected bonus, I took the unrequited shoe yearning as a sign rather than a test, and bought the slightly trashy, over-the-top, waaayyy out of my budget shoes I'd been obsessing about.Buyer's remorse?  Not even a little bit. Have you ever been unsure about a purchase? Did you regret it or did it work out for the best?

Top 6 Denim: Good Jeans

After the feature, I started thinking about different ways to wear jeans. Luckily, my fellow bloggers provide plenty of inspiration! A few of my recent favorites: Karla of Karla's Closet styles her boyfriend jeans with a sheer blouse and killer sculptural heels. Scott Schuman's lens captured this man, who manages to make extra wide-legged skater inspired jeans look stylish. Marcella at Fashion Distraction lives in a climate where she can not only wear denim shorts in February,

Work Style: Blue Velvet

I picked up these pants on yet another thrifting venture and thought they were just right for trotting through the melting (thank God!) snow. Inspired by none other than Chuck Bass (who's a young Heff if ever there was one), I used a colorful silk scarf as a cravat. I've only just begun to appreciate the versatility of scarves, and am now throroughly obsessed. It's especially fun figuring out different ways to tie them--hello Neckclothitania!  Any other suggestions?

Hmm…What do you think of this idea?

I've been obsessed with fashion magazines since I was 10, now online mags have taken over my already depleted sense of reason. Initially, I thought about condensing the posts on this blog into a monthly "digital digest," but now I'm thinking I'd like to spread the love a bit and include other bloggers. Everything can't always be just about me (I know-- I'm just as shocked as you are). Since there are soooo many lovely/thoughtful/stylish fashion bloggers,

Street Style

*The real street was covered in snow, so this drawing will have to do. In line with my New Year's Resolution, I've been on the lookout for ways to utilize some of the items in my closet that don't get much play. Since I was looking for a way to spice up basics (jeans, white tee, black ankle boots), I figured I needed something a little over-the-top. The purple velvet blazer was a random thrift find that I only

Tagged–I’m It!

Nina over at Femme Rationale tagged me almost a week ago, and I'm finally getting around to taking care of biz'ness: 10 Things I Love 1. God, family, friends, cat, The Boy, etc. They all get lumped together 'cuz this should be obvious. 2. Sleeping in the sunshine 3. Ice cream. Any time of year, any time of day. 4. Dancing. Everything from baroque ballet to shaking booty at random in the club. 5. Purple 6. My iPod. I refuse to go