Where strategy meets style
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Easy DIY: Painted Necklace

Since I tend to gravitate to "colors" like gray and black, I wanted a cheap and easy way to add a shot of color--something bright and playful, almost cartoon-y.I found this slightly weird necklace in the $1.00 bin at a flea market and decided it was my mission in life to paint it an obscenely bright traffic-sign yellow.The whole project only took about 10 minutes, and I let it "hang dry" on my fire escape

Russet + Blue

So, I've really been feeling this rusty russet color lately--by coincidence, it featured prominently in Sunday's photo shoot. Y'all remember how much I loved the colors in Gucci's Fall/Winter collection, and several other designers featured these colors, too.I wanted to wear this russet top I've had for years with something bright, and a pair of Smurf-blue pants did the trick.Victoria's Secret blouse; vintage pants, belt, bag, and shoesFa la la

Street Style Favorites: July

I finally had a chance to catch up on my Bloglovin' reader (sort of), so I thought I'd share some of my favorite street style photos:TOP ROW:A leather collar immediately turns any look badass (Fashion Copious); I can't wait to wear this full mini + slouchy sweater combo once the heat calms down--no, really, CALM DOWN HEAT (Paulinemma); I swear a good hat and proper blazer can make almost anything look better (Easy Fashion)BOTTOM

Tumblr Tuesday: Margarita Cupcakes and Pink Beetles

Sign me up for some tipsy margarita cupcake goodness; This jade tooth necklace is extra decadent; I love a dainty teacup with a slightly less-than-delicate opinion; A hot pink Beetle and matching home is like my childhood dream come to life; This image from a young designer's graduate collection is inspiring in its eccentricity; Pretty nebulae put me in a Star Trek state of mind.Find more inspiration at!

Weekend Photo Diary: Booty Fights and a Photo Shoot

Busy weekend! I headed to Fountain Square on Friday night to snap some pictures and check out the Indie Summer show. Cincy Brass got the party started, and Big Freedia? Big Freedia turned it into a Par-TAY with a capital P, with multiple simultaneous booty fights happening on stage. Seriously, if you don't know about New Orleans bounce, you have to check her out. Azz everywhere, indeed.The City Flea On Saturday, I stopped by

Put It On and Don’t Say a Word

Wore this dress to run around pulling items for a photo shoot for A-Line this weekend. I've worn it  before (here), and I like it because it's comfy and doesn't need much more than a belt to make it look like I actually put effort into getting dressed.  On the downside, it's polyester--and y'all know what happens when summer heat meets polyester.Oh, and I also treated myself to this ridiculously yummy buttermilk white chocolate cupcake

Don’t Be Fooled By the Rocks That I Got

My obsession with rocks and crystals likely started during the dinosaurs-are-awesome phase everyone seems to go through around 4th grade. I dreamed of expanding my rock collection--proudly displayed amongst my collection of My Little Ponies and Sweet Valley Twins books--to include crystals and geodes and jagged stalactites (or was it stalagmites?). To this day, anything that looks like a treasure coveted by small creatures with pointy ears from

Tough Enough

UO tank & purse, Kill City jeans, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, vintage necklaces I got swept away by some '80s nostalgia while cruising the internets and subsequently went all Mr. T on your arses in a muscle tee, oversized gold chains, and Isweartheyweren'tthistightlastyear jeans. Am I tough enough?