Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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Shoe Withdrawal, Need Advice

So, I have a "problem." I'm suffering from shoe withdrawal. I haven't bought a pair of shoes--any shoes--in over 6 months, and I'm starting to feel it. My left eye is twitching.Add to that the fact that in the last two weeks, not one but TWO pairs of my favorite walking flats have developed holes in the soles. I know shoes can often be re-soled, but, really, where's the fun

Guide: Summer in the City

'Member how I said I wanted to start including stuff about other people on this site so it's only, say, 95% self-indulgent vanity? Well, I'm sticking with it! I asked a few of my bloggy friends (that's what I'm calling them until YOU come up with something better, all right?) what they were into right now and they rose to the occasion:Occupation:  Sales Analyst  |  Stomping ground: Downtown CincinnatiReading:  Finishing Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell

DIY: Elastic Elation

You guys! I finished a mending* project thanks to something I learned on the internets! So, I've had this vintage beaded skirt  for years, but never really wore it because the elastic waist was SO stretched out. Even a belt wouldn't keep this sucker up. Enter this video and my newfound do-it-yourself-y-ness, and I decided to try my hand at fixing the waistband. MYSELF. Step 1: Remove the thread from the waistband. I used

Tumblr Tuesday: Strawberry shortcake & Camel clothes

A series of abstract digital prints really gussies up a collection of book covers; Presented this way, strawberry shortcake seems like a perfectly reasonable breakfast; A bottle of Vodka and a stack of ice pops make any hot summer day more tolerable; Highly saturated fashion photos always seem so decadent and mysterious; I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit that I'm envious of this camel's outfit; You will now think about ice cream cone excrement every

Turquoise is the color I need to get clean

Vintage dress & clutch, thrifted top, Steven heelsI decided to pull out this rarely-worn vintage dress because, really, when is turquoise leather NOT appropriate? I wore one of my DIY cropped oxfords as a sort of jacket, which hid the fact that I don't quite fill out the boobage area (whoever owned this dress before must've been built like Pam Anderson), but also covered the back, which I love.Still trying to

Chatting with: Jennifer Merchant

This blog is an exercise in vanity for sure, but it doesn't have to be about me ALL the time, right?  I miss editing and interviewing and whatnot, so I'll be incorporating some fun, hopefully interesting stuff with OTHER PEOPLE (gasp!) into the site. First up? Jewelry designer Jennifer Merchant! I first came across Jennifer Merchant's bold jewelry designs while browsing One-Offs Yippee! and noticed almost everything I liked was from her collection. Corian jewelry?

A-Line Right

So, between stuffing my face with everything from crab rangoon to cotton candy at Taste of Cincinnati and cleaning like a crazy person last weekend--I mean, I was wiping down baseboards y'all--I picked up the new issue of A-Line magazine and had a read.It includes my lifestyle feature with Leah from High Street, whom I have decided to officially adopt as my light-skinded big sister from another mister. Tiffany photographed