Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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Inspiration: Michael Jackson

So, I'm browsing through my RSS feeds and see a post from The Cut about the Michael Jackson wardrobe auction. Like most children of the '80's, I was a huge MJ fan and had the albums, posters, and accessories (I'm telling you, I would rock the f*&% out of that pendant necklace if I still had it) to prove it. I click the link to the auction catalogue just to check it out and

Work Style: Rainbow Brights

Sweater, Urchin; cropped trousers, Forever21; shoes, scarf, necklace, vintage. Every now and then, I'm gripped by a strange urge to wear bright, happy colors. But only every now and then. Only in small quantities. And always tempered with black. Do you wear bright colors? Or are you like me, caught in a maze of mostly blacks and grays?

Show Nuff: Milan Fashion Week

Ah, Milano. Voglio venire e mangiare tutto il cibo! Alas, I will have to get my fill of eye-talian food and fashion via the interwebz like a good little midwestern fashionista. On the bright side, at least I haven't had to deal with the jetlag that comes with traveling to New York and London! Aside: Was it just me or was there a LOT of fur on the runways this season? I know it's for Fall/Winter,

Style Sample Magazine

A while ago, I posted about an idea for a magazine for and about fashion bloggers. Well, due to a combination of much-appreciated encouragement and extreme willfulness, I've been pushing forward and hope to publish the first issue in April thanks to some very generous and talented blogger-friends. I am extremely excited/hopeful/stressed/fired up/nervous about this project, and have been vacillating between feverishly scribbling down ideas about all the possibilities and trying to focus on producing the

You know you need a vacation when…

Between the cold/warm/completely unpredictable weather and a long string of 14-hour work days, I'm starting to feel like it's time for a break. What does it mean when you start plotting devious ways to break into the CDC in order to contract the Ebola virus just so you have an excuse to stay home and get some rest? It means you need a vacation, that's what. Unfortunately, that probably won't happen anytime soon, so I just

Casual Style: Sweat Me

Do you ever feel like it's easier to get dressed up than it is to go casual? Sometimes I have a hard time on the weekends because 70% of my wardrobe is work clothing. Sweatsuits are about as casual as it gets, and I have exactly two pair--they were Christmas gifts. I refuse to wear them outside of the house. As I am vehemently opposed to sweats of the hot-pink-velour-with-rhinestones-across-the-arse variety, I hadn't given much thought