Where strategy meets style
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Shop Around: Atomic Number 10

Sometimes when I'm out shopping, I see things I like but can't fit/can't afford/have no business even looking at. Being the generous person that I am, I thought I'd share some of my favorite finds in hopes that these items find a good home!This time around, I hit Atomic Number 10 (Style Tour stop #1!) in search of pants, shorts, and tops for my DIY collection:I found a pair of Proenza-worthy ikat

Cincy Fashion Week Report: Part Deux

Cincinnati Fashion Week continued in full force after my coverage of Part I!Graphic FashionOn Thursday, Landor held a block party in the alley beside their offices to celebrate the unveiling of a new window display based on the synergistic relationship of graphic design and fashion. I'm all about THAT!Landor's windows are always a point of interest--everyone gathered around to see the creativity on display.Like most Fashion Week parties, the place was rife with music, booze,

Cincy Fashion Week Report: Part I

Monday was the start of Cincinnati Fashion Week, which means there have been parties and events for the fashion forward every night. I'm old and stuff, so I can't do it all like I did last year, but I've managed to hit a few stops so far:A-Line A-listMonday was the A-Line/CFW Warhol Factory party, held at the old CAC. I've walked past that building a skabillion times and had no

Easy DIY: Crop top

You're not going to believe this, but I actually got around to doing a project for my DIY capsule collection! I decided to tackle a fairly easy task first: a crop top. Now, technically it only required extremely basic cutting and sewing but just humor me here, mmkay?I found a cute little oxford shirt at Atomic Number 10 and decided it would make a perfect crop top. Here's what I did:1. Gather

Tumblr Tuesday: Crocheted bike cozies and rainbow cupcakes

Count me in for a crocheted bike cozy; I love when rainbow-colored paper fish swim through the air; Lifesaver lipstick and cherry candy are enough to send me on a sugar high; Colorful nebulae bring out my Trekkie tendencies; Rainbow cupcakes are God's sweet promise of peace; I NEED to flit around on the beach wearing a colorful headwrap thanks to this spread in Vogue Russia.Find more inspiration at!

I Dream of DIY

Every few months I do this weird thing where I decide on a certain "look" for the season: Disco Housewife, Downtown Powerbitch, Rocker Pageant Princess, etc. It rarely pans out ('cause really, who can afford a new wardrobe every few months?), but it's fun to play around with these little capsule collections in my head.This time around, I'm still loving the '70s secretary look, and I feel like even if