Where strategy meets style
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Graphic scenes deleted

I was going through a pretty heavy black-and-white graphic print phase when I came across this cropped jacket on a random trip to H&M. The 80's print and shape (it has shoulder pads, y'all) aligned perfectly with the images hanging out in my inspiration folder: Images:,,,,,,,,, Lanvin Loves H&M*Since I'm still coming down from my Halloween costume high, I figured I'd go all-out

It’s voodoo, child

After trying to decide on a Halloween costume for the better part of a month, Saturday morning came and went and I was no closer to making a decision. I'd spent a good part of the morning brushing and trimming my hair while humming a completely off-key version of "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)" when the idea hit me: Jimi. I dug through my closet and found I already had everything I needed for the

Prints-ess Clash

I've never been one of those people who can artfully combine seemingly clashing prints in a Dries-y/Etro-ish way. I wish I was, but my limit seems to be two prints at a time, tops.However, I managed to squeeze in another pattern in the form of an accessory--a hat--instead of trying to pull off polka-dot pants or something. Keeping the other main elements (trousers, cardigan, belt) solid helps offset the floral hat, striped and floral blouse,

Hat Trick

My hair is usually too big to wear a proper hat, but every now and then I get into a "hat mood," which is often brought on by watching old black-and-white movies and various TV shows featuring pimps.Lately, I've seen a lot of beautiful vintage numbers while out on Style Tour stops at NVISION and Talk of the Town, and decided to (kind of) get in on the act.I originally bought this hat as a

Wise yet unsolicited advice

I'm feeling all mature and klassy (hence the Chanel-y sweaterdress), so the following is a dose of wise-yet-unsolicited advice: Do not attempt to wear 4-hour shoes* for 6.5 hours. There will be much gnashing of teeth as you attempt to strut around all "it's all good" in order to save face, and your feet will remind you of the torture you put them through for the remainder of the day and into the

Exotic Earthangs

Do you ever get stuck in a fashion phase? Where you're really only interested in buying one type of item but you want a lot of them? Right now, I'm on an earring kick. I can't explain it and there's no real reason for it, but for the past few weeks, I've really been into earrings. Dramatic ones, feathered ones, obviously fake jeweled ones

Wang Chung-y

I'm not big on patterns, but I do love a good stripe. Upon finally finding a classic Breton tee for a decent price (why are these so difficult to find when they're supposed to be everywhere?), I was inspired by Alexa Chung's tomboy-meets-French-schoolgirl-style. Stripey, Chung-y fun! Petite Bateau top, H&M skirt, thrifted blazer, Colin Stuart boots A woman standing in line behind me at the store complimented my boots and politely pointed out that