Where strategy meets style
cincinnati,fashion stylist, blogger
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O Happy Dagger

Last weekend, I:Hung out at a friend's birthday party:There was beer, chocolate cake, and good food. Officially, I don't like chocolate cake--I only like chocolate, not chocolate-flavored things--but I made an exception this time. You know, to be polite.Completed a really simple DIY alteration I've been meaning to take care of for over a year:I did something easy, removing the lace collar from a puff-sleeved linen blazer. I'm sort of (but only sort of) ashamed

Hippie Trip

I found this dress at a random thrift store last year, but put off wearing it "until I get it altered." Yeah, right. Like that was gonna happen. Though I decided to forgo alterations, there are a few snags/holes in the crocheted bodice. Despite my amazing DIY skills,  I have no experience with needlework, so I did the next best thing: I covered the largest hole with a floral pin left over from my

Warehouse sale winnings

Last weekend, I hit the warehouse sale put on by The Drama Workshop (thanks to Kasmira for the heads up!) and managed to snag a few pieces, my favorite being the long tweed duster and matching trousers that make me feel like a cross between Sherlock Holmes and an Yves St. Laurent devotee circa 1987. I seriously cannot wait to rock this look when the weather cools off! I picked up another set, too:

Knockout collabo: win a $25 gift certificate!

I love designer collaborations. From Target to Topshop, high-end designers have been successfully partnering with mass-market retailers for the better part of the past decade, delighting consumers with champagne taste and beer budgets (comme moi). Designer Jodi Arnold, best known for her contemporary line MINT, is bringing her aesthetic to the masses with a line for The Limited. Known for interesting embellishments, unique prints, and attention to detail, her fall collection for the brand

Feel free to f*ck up

I planned on doing a video blog last year. The problem was, I was scared of looking silly on camera (inevitable, trust me) and hated that I didn't have the ability to create a television-ready broadcast complete with studio lighting and zippy Flash intro. I was daunted by the fact that I had no clue how to get professional results using an amateur video editing program. Really, how ridiculous is that? But because I was

The heat is on

On Saturday, I hit u.swap, a clothing swap put on by U-Turn Art Space and vintage shop Chicken Lays an Egg (check out co-owner Jessy's blog, Mascara or Motoroil). Surprisingly (to me), I found ten items I was ready to part with--I have a hard time letting go of clothes--and managed to bring home a few new things in support of what I've decided to deem "sustainable shopping." What? It's a real movement. Clothes

Alpha, Dawg

Friendboy started a software development company earlier this year, and after only a few months of coaxing, he agreed to take five minutes to talk to me about a logo for his company. I don't know what his deal is. Half the fun of starting a business is branding. He named the company Toliman, after one of the three stars that make up Alpha Centauri. Yeah, he's a geek. He's also fairly traditional, having worked