Where strategy meets style
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Blue (and gray) period

Continuing my fixation on layering sweaters, I decided to go in a slightly different direction and integrate the holey/raggedy jeans I stole borrowed stole from FriendBoy. I thought it would be Ricky Gervais-clever to use the ties on the wrap sweater to hold up the jeans. I realized it wasn't such a stellar idea when I had to get unwrapped go to the bathroom. Live and learn! H&M cardigan, Victoria's Secret wrap sweater, Anthropologie top,

How to: Wear socks + heels

Sometimes, styles that were once seen as fashion DEATH become socially acceptable and are canonized as part of the style lexicon. Remember when wearing heels with jeans was a no-no back in, like, 1997? Socks and heels were long seen as anathema to the fashion community, conjuring up images of fetish-y babydoll wear most often seen on "glamour models" in Frederick's of Hollywood catalogs, but the look has gained acceptance

Double Sweater…What does it mean?

Vintage sweater dress + earrings, Victoria's Secret sweater dress, Jessica Simpson bootsSo my new favorite thing to do is layer sweaters, which is why this sweater dress + sweater dress/cardigan (last seen here) combo pleased me so much.  It's like a double shot of cozy on those annoyingly cold days!I think the trick to not looking bulky is to define your waist (hence the belt) and wear relatively thin knits--though a loftier knit might work,

Getaway: Tropical Frontier

Around this time every year, I start to question the true purpose of snow--if it's not Christmas, I see no point--and dream about escaping to some far flung exotic destination where warm weather and palm trees are a way of life. Pucci boots, The Outnet; Summer Gypsy feather earrings, xVELVETx on etsy; Carcara by Camila do Rosario; Old San Juan by Emilio Santacoloma; Shakuhachi cape at Pixie Market Right now I'm in the mood for

Current Obsession: Anita Moser

I'm not sure how I first came across shoe designer Anita Moser's designs, but I know it was love at first sight. Really, how could you not love fluorescent yellow peep-toes and slouchy purple leather boots? And the production process? Amazing. Dip-dyed shoes! Almost makes me want to take a cobbling class. And the toe on those brogues is PERFECT. Check out the rest of the collection here. Sidenote: Even though I'm no

One (semi) realistic resolution

I've never been good at New Year's Resolutions. I have a serious sweet tooth, so for a long time I made the standard "Eat healthier" resolution. It always failed because I just crossed my fingers and hoped that I would wake up on January 1st WANTING to eat only raw broccoli with lemon zest for the rest of my life. That cookie/cake/pint of Haagen Dazs Dulce de Leche calling my